What we all need.

Maybe this is why Jesus woke early and slipped off into solitary spaces. The morning quiet captures the essence of the day. The stillness of a sky that has just seen the sun meet the clouds is only broken by the chirp of a morning bird singing its song. If Paul’s writing holds true, that song is too the Lord as all creation cries out. 

The stillness allows my mind to walk the fields of thoughts. To stroll barefoot through the week that has passed and attempt to find some cohesion and clarity to all the things. A massive shooting in Texas. An acquaintance saw cancer complete its brutal race in his 19 year-old daughter. And as Americans we keep thinking that blasting our opinions on social media makes a difference.  

Jesus said “in this world you will have trouble.” This seems to stay true. So what do we do with all the trouble. How do we handle such levels of pain and grief and fatigue and despair. Just maybe there is a single glow of light found in the rest of those words from Jesus, “but take heart, I have overcome the world.”

But take heart. Be of good faith. And in courage to your encouragement. In this troubled, heart-breaking, devastating world we live in, Jesus has already overcome. He has won. He has succeeded in dealing with the devastation, the heartbreak, the grief, the hurt, the hardship, the pain. He has won the battle and completed the victory. Jesus has overcome. 

So as we sit in the grief and hardship of the days, do so knowing your victory is soon coming. If you are discouraged, take heart. If you are grieving, take heart. If you are stressed, distraught, fatigued, and worn out, take heart.  The echoes of my Grandfather’s voice quoting the classic King James play out in my mind – be of good cheer.

As the morning sun rises to its place in the sky and more birds begin to join the song of the first, I will rest in the beginning of this verse that the Christ gave us: “these things I have spoken to you that you may have peace.” If anything, we all need more peace.  As we navigate the noise and pass through the chaos. What I desire, and I hope you do as well, is peace. Peace of mind. Peace of heart. Peace from the pain. Peace from the strife. Peace from the hustles, bustles, and hurry of the frantic pace we put ourselves in. What is desired is the perfect peace from the Prince of Peace. 

So while you finish these words, I will take solace and comfort in the stillness of a Sunday morning and leave you and me with this final reminder from Jesus. 

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

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