Those 4 Words

I may never understand
That my broken heart is a part of your plan
When I try to pray
All I’ve got is hurt and these four words
Hilary Scott, Thy Will

I am just going to say it…I may be the worst patient on the planet. My minor boo-boo is drastically larger than your gaping wound. I know I am a big baby.  But I will own it.  

I have those days where the hurt of my life is more than anything anyone has ever experienced. My knee scrape is bigger than your cancer.   

I hate to hurt.  

In truth, we all run from the pain.

We struggle even more to understand how hurt is part of God’s plan of healing. 

God has a way of dragging me from my place of self pity to his classroom called life.  The father takes me to the Garden of my life   and puts me on my knees. He reminds me that my troubles and hurts are fleeting compared to the weight of the Gethsemane where Jesus kneeled. 

In his most pressing moment, Jesus, knees bent and heart laid bear, blood dropped from his brow, he wrestled the weight of the will of his Father. Jesus prayed the most dangerous and securest prayer he could pray.  Four words that changed his life and changed history: “your will be done”.

The danger lies in living out the will of the Father.  The security lies in…living out the will of the Father.

God plans takes us up mountains of faith and down roads of trust and even across seas of sinking hearts. In most moments we fail to understand how hurt and heartbreak can be in the mix of the plan of a loving Father.

Yet in perspective the cross was the cup that gave me life.  Jesus’pain was price paid to bring me healing.   It’s most often in our moments of hurt that the Father reveals the greater purpose in his will.

As much as I want to understand   the bitter taste of cup before me, it’s often in looking back I see his plan was there all along.

So while hurt may be on the menu, his will is the best place dine.

“O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done.


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