The Confusion of Comparison

“Do not fret when wicked men seem to succeed! Do not envy evildoers!”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37:1‬ ‭NET‬‬


You ever just been mad about something that you had no business being mad about? Like salty about what someone else has with no context on how they got whatever it is.

About a year ago, a satirical Instagram account got started called PreachersNSneakers. It is a look at the high cost of fashion of some preachers. Your stance on the Yeezy’s put aside, this account has caused polarizing places.

  1. A place of criticism of pastors sporting high level footwear.
  2. An envious bar established at what it means to be an Insta-worthy preacher.

**This post is not a criticism on the account. It is much a reflection on what it brings to light.

Envy is an interesting emotion. Being jealous says “I want what they have.” Envy on the other hand says “I do not even want them to have that.” So as David address the envy found in the heart of the supposed righteous, it pokes and prods at our intentions. Why are we so mad at the success of the others?

The first answer in addressing what David says is easy — the person with the all the things are evildoers, they are wicked men. This seems like an easy answer to the question: evil does not deserve blessing. Still this does not answer the position of anger towards them. To be angry and envious with evildoers or even righteous can only be rooted in one place: comparison.

Comparison looks at what someone else has and what you lack. Comparison says they should not have that and I should.

If you are content with what you have, where you are, how God has blessed you, what does it matter what someone else has? The confusion of comparison is that you are mad at what someone else has but in truth it is a discontentment in what God has given you. Discontentment leads to a running narrative of “I deserve” and “they do not”. The very interesting thing is that both statements can be false. Neither you or they deserve anything more than what God has given you.

The confusion of comparison is that very ideal that we deserve any of the blessings God gives us. The confusion of comparison is in that belief that you simply are looking into your own life.

David goes on to write in that same Psalm these words:

“Wicked men will be wiped out, but those who rely on the LORD are the ones who will possess the land.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

For Israel, “the land” symbolized God’s promise. It was where God would settle them. It is where God intended to bless them. It was their promise. It becomes challenging to take hold of the promise God has for you if you are always reaching for the property of others. It is hard to trust God for what he has for you, when you are mad and envious at the possessions of those around you.

The confusion of comparison is that you are mad at someone else has when most times you are mad at what you do not have. The cost of comparison is more than just joy, it might be the very promises of God for your life. The position of blessing is contentment, trust, a reliance on the Lord which has its own challenge in challenging times. David penned this promise for his kingdom and all those in the Kingdom of God: but the meek with inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.

Don’t get caught in the confusion of comparison. Be humble, be meek, trust the Lord.


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