The Beggar and the Son

 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17


It was the Christmas I was 10.  During an intense game of hide-and-go-seek with my brother, I stumbled upon a panoramic picture of the University of Illinois Memorial Stadium just like the one I had asked Santa for.  Suddenly my 10 year old mind chased.  If the picture is here, then surely there are other gifts here too.  Pretty soon I had discover nearly everything I had asked stashed in all my favorite hiding spots in my parents bedroom.

Lacking legit street smarts, I confessed my discovery to my mom.  My mom covered her tracks by telling me she was holding it for a “friend” whose son wanted it for Christmas.  I still held out hope it was mine. Come Christmas Day, my panoramic picture was nowhere to be found.  I was destroyed, devastated and upset that what I had asked for was not there.

This got me thinking about my role as son.  I have often come to my heavenly Father with requests and desires.  Not simply wants, but many time legitimate needs.  My struggle has not been making the request, but as much my heart behind the request.  More than that my belief is God’s response to my request.

Jesus said this “ If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” As son of the Heavenly Father, I have struggled with my ability to see God opened handed with his blessings.  To often I have felt more like a beggar.

The distinction is that a beggar is not looking for blessings but bumming some small scratch to get by.  A son has access to the inheritance of the father.  The blessings of a son are only limited by his asking.  And the blessing of the father is a lifelong access to all that he has.

A beggar is just looking to get by.  A son is requesting what the Father already has stored up for him.

So my praying has had to shift.  I ask not as a beggar looking to the tiny bit to get by, but as a son with access to a Father wealthy with blessings already stored up for me.

I have been a bad son with a good father.  But I am learning he just wants to me to ask and act like a son.

And by the way, the picture was mine.  Thanks mom and dad!


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