Request to Testimony

Have you ever waited in a long line for something you really wanted?  Maybe the latest iPhone or maybe a doughnut.  I have.  Usually while standing there, the anticipation is high.  Oh this (fill in the blank) is going to be great.  It is so worth the time in line.  Then, you finally get that thing you’ve been waiting for and it really is that good (this isn’t a blog about disappointment, but I know sometimes it isn’t as good as you’d hoped).  You feel justified.  Vindicated.  Validated.  You knew the product you were waiting on was worth the wait.  You shift from hopeful to fulfilled.  There’s nothing like that feeling.

Music has this effect on me sometimes.  There are certain songs that I’ve sang in seasons that have been the absolute desperate request of my heart.  Every time I would sing that song, my heart would just plead with God to do the very thing that song was mentioning.  It was like waiting in line for my request to be answered.  Then, that season would pass.  The song would lose consistency or popularity.

Then, I would hear it on the radio or it would come up on my playlist and all of the sudden, I would remember what God had done for me.  How at some point between the last time I sang that song and now, he had answered my prayer.  The song then became a testimony.

I can now sing “Made Me Glad” as a testimony because looking back, he was

My shield

My strength

My fortress



Strong Tower

Ever present help in time of need.

He was all of those things and he answered every prayer uttered during those times of worship.  I can now sing Waymaker as a testimony because he has been my


Miracle Worker

Promise Keeper

Light in the Darkness

I can reflect and I can testify that God answers prayer in the seasons that a song someone else wrote may be the only prayer you can pray.  That someone else’s testimony is your prayer.  It’s why we share what God has done.  Someone may need to know that this God that they are asking to bring some sort of miracle is so very trustworthy and consistent.

Songs have seasons.  I like old songs and I like new songs.  Sometimes they’re prayers, sometimes they’re testimonies.  No matter what season you’re in, it’s okay to sing someone else’s testimony believing that God is going to make it your testimony as well.


“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; “

Revelation 12:11


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