Rain Delays

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


I ate everything that would crunch.  Grapes, cheetos, finger nails.  If I was limber enough to get a toe in my mouth it would have been that as well.  It was Game 7 of the World Series and my beloved Cubs were winning, then tied and my heart was filled with anxiety of another let down as  a seemingly insurmountable lead was no longer existent.

And then after 9 worrisome innings of baseball the skies opened up and it rained…

I have often experienced my own rain delays.  Life seemingly spins outside of my control.  If feels as if the lead on life I have gained is about to be lost.  As if Steve Bartman is down the foul line waiting to spoil my sure thing. And then the skies open up and I am forced to pause.

These are moments God hits pause on our process simply because our opponent anxiety and worry are beginning to win.

Jesus in his most famous sermon neatly wraps his 1 part series on money with these words
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Today is a day I need the rain.  It the my bottom of the 9th with the score tied, but in a moment of retreat I am reminded I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but this I know the one who clothes the fields with beautiful colors and feeds the birds who do not work for the food.

Sometimes in the midst of the moment worry gets the best of us.  Anxiety steals our hope.  Fear trumps truth.  Yet when we can step away for just even an instant we can gain perspective that worry does not add anything to our life.

Jesus also said this, worry ain’t gonna add one hour to your life (my grandma’s translation).  So in the moments we can’t stop the worry, God sends rain delays to help us regain perspective.

Oh, and that little baseball, the Cubs won!



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