Prayers, Grand Canyon and Echoes

“Ask, and God will give to you. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will open for you. Yes, everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. And everyone who knocks will have the door opened.”  Matthew 7:7-8grand_canyon_149612675

I have almost seen the Grand Canyon once.  I was on an early morning flight, criss-crossing 3 times zones to the West.   I knew my flight plan took us right over The Grand Canyon.  So with much anticipation, I slept the entire flight.   And subsequently missed The Grand Canyon.

In truth from 30,000 feet I am sure it just looked like a giant hole in the ground. So I am not sure how much a missed during my little mile high siesta.   The beauty of this great wonder is the expanse.  It is huge, at least I am told.

In this massive expansive hole comes the bouncing sounds of echoes.  Sound travels a lightening fast pace of 342 meters per second and rattles of the walls of the canyon and bounces right back where it came from.  We know this as an echo.

Jesus spoke about echoes to.  He said if we ask, God will give.  If we search, we find.  If we knock, the door opens.  And if we shout into canyons it comes back to us.

My recent experience has more than proven true.  I feel so often like my prayers have traveled at more than 342 meters per second and God’s echoes travel back just as fast.  Please understand, not every prayer bounces off the walls from heaven with an immediate answer.  There some moments of crying out that seem to find the empty expanses and never seem to return.

But there are seasons when the ear of God is leaned in and his voice bounces back my prayers with quick response.  In truth God probably always has it was that I was not listening for the echo.

Echoes at times come in the oddest ways.  Unexpected text or phone calls from an old friend.  A church member letting you know that they have been praying for you when you have just asked if God is hearing you.  The reverberations of heaven come back as fulfilled promises, comfort in times of need and provision at just the right time.

It when you pray one thing and your spouse has prayed the exact same thing without either of you talking about it.  It is the moment the unexpected money shows up to provide for the need.

God is in the business of echoes.  So good ahead, yell into The Grand Canyon of heaven and listen for his response.  You may just hear the echoes of heaven bouncing back.


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