New Thing

But forget all that—
    it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.
Isaiah 43:18


I have a sticky memory.  Maybe you do too.

My memory works a little like a blend between a highlight reel and outtakes bloopers.  There are moments when I remember the grandiose of the mountain top. And often they are quickly exchanged for the valleys of disappointment and regret.

Both are beneficial. Both are dangerous.

The mountain is the reminder of God’s faithfulness. It can also serve as source supposed of self sufficiency.  The valley can create reflections of God’s ever presence in our depth.  It can also remind us how far down the rabbit hole we fell.

Israel functioned much the same way.  Moments of memory of slavery in Egypt followed by reminders of Red Sea crossings.

The prophet Isaiah is the voice of reminder to an embattled Hebrew nation.  As so often is the case in the Old Testament, the prophetic voice reminds the nation of their slave background and God’s great delivery.   Isaiah recounts the awesome release from Egypt and the subsequent Red Sea crossing that sticks out like the God greatest feats put on replay.

It is in that context that Isaiah prophesies these words:
But forget all that—
    it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.
For I am about to do something new.
    See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
    I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

What God speaks so clearly through the prophet is
“you remember how it was?  Do you remember in the midst of that bad how great God was?  He broke you out of slavery, parted a sea and drowned your enemy…yeah, forget that.  It’s gonna be even better!”

In my heart and my life, I feel this echoed like a scream off the Grand Canyon walls:
“forget all that, I am up to something new and better.”

That divorce that left you damaged…forget that.
That moment you thought you were alone…forget that.

The highest of highest you have walked with Jesus…forget that.
The ministry moments that seemed like it could never be better…yeah, forget even that.

Because what God is about to do is NEW.  It Greater.  It is Bigger.  It is more Complete.

The prophet draws Israel to a moment of introspective reflection.
“I have already begun.  Do you not see it?”

I don’t know what your NEW is.  I just know he is up to the NEW for you and for me.

Do you not see it?



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