My daddy don’t dance

young-girl-ballerina-dance-591679.jpeg “I am free to run, I am free to dance, I am free to live for you, I am free.”

I’ve never seen my dad dance.  Never. He doesn’t dance with my mom.  We didn’t dance at my wedding. He doesn’t dance.  I don’t know if it’s a lack of rhythm, deep seeded beliefs against the art form, or just plain stubbornness.  However, dancing is often an expression of freedom yet I’ve never met anyone more free than my dad.

A few weeks ago, on a rare kid-free Saturday, Jeff and I had lunch with my parents.  A situation came up and my mom got irritated about some circumstances we were facing.  My dad says, “Why do you care? I don’t have any concern about that. I’m free from those feelings.”  

Free from those feelings?  Free. As in they no longer affect his life, because he is free. That rocked my emotions.  The decisions and actions of these people don’t affect his minute, his hour,  his day, his life because he is free.

I desire his level of freedom.  However, I often find myself in more of a “fake it until you make it” kind of freedom.  I have the behaviors of a free person, because I know what that looks like, but lurking in the shadows are the things that continually try to bind me.

I don’t have any deep dark hidden addictions to confess.  There’s no major issues. But as it says in Song of Solomon, it’s the little foxes that spoil the vine.  No, in the shadows of my so called freedom lurks fear, anxiety, worry, bitterness, and sometimes malice. They sit waiting for me to fully walk away from the cave where they sit, just to pull back on the chain they have around my ankle.    The enemy that holds the chain is quick to remind me of the events or people or circumstances that those issues are rooted in.

“You can’t fully let go of that hurt, don’t you remember what they did?”

“You can’t really forgive them AGAIN, don’t you see the hurt they continue to cause?”

“You’ll never outrun the shadows of this cave.  You’ll never escape the feelings of inadequacy. Nothing will fix it.”

So, I may live life outside of the proverbial cave of slavery, but often I find myself still chained.  How do I fix it? How do I find the freedom that I long for? How do you find the freedom you long for?  I have acknowledged I’m a slave, so now what?

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”- John 8:32

Jesus speaks these words to his disciples, after instructing them to follow his teachings.  They are quick to respond that they have never been slaves to anyone. Jesus says, everyone who has sinned is a slave.  We have all sinned. Malice, bitterness, unbelief- all sins. Then, in such a Jesus’ way, he reminds them of who they are.  Slaves have no place in the family. However, a son belongs forever. You’re not slaves to sin anymore. You’re not slaves to bitterness.  You’re not slaves to fear. You’re not slaves. You’re sons and daughters of God.

I like to take things to their logical conclusions, so follow my line of thinking…

If the truth sets me free, the truth is I’m a daughter of God

If the truth sets me free, the truth is I’m chosen and dearly loved

If the truth sets me free, the truth is no weapon formed against me shall prosper

If the truth sets me free, the truth is the actions of others don’t have say in my life

If the truth sets me free, the truth is I was made for a life of freedom not slavery.  

It’s time to take off the shackles and not put them back on, ever.  Step fully out of the cave where the enemy and his lies live and in to the sun where truth and righteousness shine.  

Once we do this, we may feel like dancing.  We may be ready to rejoice in our freedom. We may be able to live a life where we can look at any obstacle and say, I know the truth and I am free.  



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