Echoes of Granny


I can still hear her singing.  “Build your hopes on things eternal, Hold to God’s unchanging hand.” I can still see flour all over her and the kitchen as she sings.  I’m sure it’s not one particular instance but many moments smashed together over time.  My Granny was not know for her musical ability, or even the ability to sing on key, but she was known for her unwavering faith.  

There are circumstances that take me back to those summer days at my Aunt Paulette’s house learning lessons that I couldn’t have learned anywhere else.  It was here, in those rainy Florida afternoons when we were forced out of the pool and into the house, that I learned my family’s history and how to pray.  I would take lots of detours throughout the next 20 years, but the foundation of prayer in my Granny’s closet and lifestyle of worship would be dug up and dusted off and put to use to build my life.  

Like many, my family history was one wrought with trials and death, victories and supernatural provision.  I know the stories by heart now and I’ve added my own stories to the list. One thing remains in all the stories, God is faithful.  God can be trusted. God will fight for you. This is why Granny would sing. She knew. She knew in times of trial, attack of the enemy, not knowing where her family’s next meal was coming from, that she was holding tightly to the hand of God and out of his hand came supernatural provision and defeat of the enemy.  

Most of the time, I feel so weak and so powerless.  I don’t see any way out of our current circumstances.  I feel overwhelmed; as if life’s circumstances are going to overtake me like waves at the beach, pushing me under the water and drifting out to sea.  I feel as if this attack or trial or twist in the journey is going to be the one to take me out. However, I’m reminded of what my Granny would do…

My grandmother would sing this song that I’m reminded of when life just seems so difficult.  When life seems like the enemy is sitting on my doorstep waiting to pounce and devour or slither in and choke the life out of me and my family.  

“Time is filled with swift transition,

Naught of earth unmoved can stand,

Build your hopes on things eternal,

Hold to God’s unchanging hand.”

God’s hand is unchanging and all powerful.  The story in 2 Chronicles 20 of Jehoshaphat facing multiple armies and knowing Israel couldn’t defeat them on their own cries out to God and says, “Yahweh, the God of our ancestors, are You not the God who is in heaven, and do You not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations? Power and might are in Your hand, and no one can stand against You,” (2 Chronicles 20: 6b)

All power and might is in his hand and I’m holding tight to his hand.  His unchanging hand. His hand that when the enemy comes in like a flood he holds up his mighty hand and his Spirit causes the enemy to disappear.  (Isaiah 59:19)

So like my grandmother learned, like I’ve learned, old to God’s unchanging, powerful, almighty hand when the world is in swift transition.  When the enemy is coming in like a flood. When the army of the enemy is on your doorstep. Stand firm and watch the salvation of the Lord as his unchanging hand not only holds us but removes the enemy.  

2 Replies to “Echoes of Granny”

  1. These are precious memories! Back in that day we trusted God before Doctors, bankers, employers, or family members! God is our provider! Your Granny was a real live psychologist and prayer warrior and she was led by the Holy Spirit ( not a political agenda or book induced doctrine)! She is a great role model!

  2. That was a beautiful tribute to our precious grandmother, Reba! She was my 1st prayer warrior and she sang with me that song many times as she held me close as I fell apart when I lost my mom to a complete mental breakdown and diagnosed with Paranoid schizophrenia. This was such a jacked up untouchable subject our family and church was not prepared for. It was one only God could deal with as it slung us all for a loop. Our family had to make so many sacrifices to take care of each other. It was a very severe personal trial that forced me to depend on God for my own sanity to survive the trials of all of us until my mother passed away. It took her lifetime to get set free and yield to God for deliverance. It is very difficult to be the parent for your own parents but God helps us do what is needed. It is also so incredibly hard to lose our parents. I loved your mother very much and was so grateful for her and your dad taking care of me and my 1st child when I was in the military with my husband and got pregnant and he had to go to Germany and I was the family crisis at that time and everyone was so helpful in taking care of all of my needs. Your dad is so very precious and such a wonderful uncle to all of us. He is such a gentle warrior. I would cry all over him if I called him. I tried to call Aunt Mildred and cried like a baby after my dad died. Since then, I could not even talk to any of daddy’s siblings over the phone. I would cry a river. Losing our family is so very hard, even though we all know they are safe in heaven. God bless you, sweet cousin. You and Amy were born after my daughters were born and I was so busy with their care since I was a single mom from 1978-1980 and my life was very difficult until I married my 2nd husband who is a Christian and takes such good care of me. I have always lived so far from our family and was so busy with my own family. I do love each one of our very large family! God is such a good Father to us all no matter what we need! Give my sweet Uncle Doug a big hug from me!

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