Being Dad is Not Enough

 He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; 
Malachi 4:6


Cue Michael Buffer and let’s get ready to rumble:  so let me introduce you to Andrew, Isaac and Avery.  These three little loves dominate my TV and pantry.  They are my life, my heartbeat and the thorn in my side some days.  They take more than they give, primarily in the form of money and hot water.  They find ways to steal covers and my heart.  And have this wicked power to melt me like a Popsicle in the heat of summer with the words “I love you dad.”

Within God’s crazy sense of humor he issued the responsibility to me to be given the title of “Dad”. In truth, I probably had a role in creating that but that is a whole different post about parenting conversations.  Nevertheless, it is a huge responsibility that at no point have I ever taken lightly.  I have relished in the role of fatherhood.

I have come to this place where being dad is not enough.

 Anyone can be a father, it simply takes the right tools.  But being a dad is different dynamic.
What I realize is that I do a pretty dang good job of being a dad to Andrew, Avery and Isaac.  I do the things dads do.  I make sticky spaghetti, show up to games and school events, say bedtime prayers, and make really bad dad jokes.  What I also know is that I won’t be there only dad.
And I am okay with that.  In fact I welcome it.  And here is why.
At 21 you know everything, at least I did.  At 24 you start to realize you know nothing.  Between 21 and 24 where a handful of great men to teach me that I everything I thought I knew I never knew at all.  None of them shared my address or even my DNA.  But each of them shared their heart with me.
They took the stubborn clay of my heart and life and shaped it into a man.  Their words chiseled my character.  Their teachings split the old foundations and laid a new one.
This was my introduction into being a dad in a way I did not ever realize was necessary.
My belief is even the best dads need help along the way.  And that is why God gives spiritual fathers (and mothers).  These are the men God will put in the pathway of my kids to intersect their journey with echoes of my voice.  These dad come in the form of coaches, youth pastors, teachers, professors, pastors.  They will lovingly guide, direct, speak and encourage them in the times  I cannot.
To the men my kids will never call dad but see as dads.  Thank you in advance for spiritual making a difference in their life like the my “dads” did.
Because being dad sometimes is not enough.


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