The Sound of the Calling

Worship the Lord with gladness.
    Come before him, singing with joy.
Psalm 100:2


As I type these words my oldest son, edging ever closer to 16, is singing a worship song from this mornings worship set at church.While this would elate any faith filled father, to get full perspective I need to walk through what I have known for over 13 years.

God made it clear that Andrew had a gift of music.  That passion started more as an intrigue.  When Drew was the lone child in the house, daddy time was spent perusing through the local music store.  I was a youth pastor with love for music and enough ability to know I had no ability to actually play an instrument.  But still loved to pretend I one day would.  So I would hold the guitar and his little hands would strum the strings.

So my prayer became that every ounce of love I had for harmonies and melodies would translate to talent in my oldest.   God faithfully answered that prayer. Andrew with moderate to fairly good ability plays percussion, keyboard and guitar.  Most of the latter two self taught courtesy of YouTube.  But what I had known for so long also knew God would have to speak clearly to Andrew.
So after some prompting from our pastor and encouragement from dear old dad, 2 weeks ago Andrew took to the stage guitar in hand. In all honesty, right now Drew just sees himself as a player in the band.  He using the gift and talent in a Sunday setting.  What I know as a dad is what Paul wrote to Timothy, a young pastor:
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.  2 Timothy 1:6

 With every strum and every chord played by Drew, I believe that is what is happening.  The love discovered in the a little music store in Tennessee and prayers I prayed is being fanned into a flame. The classic King James says “stir up the gift” inside you.  Our responsibility is to do the stirring, not God’s.  God has clearly imparted the gifts and talents inside of us. God has made clear to each what the gift is.

Maybe you don’t recognize it as this.  Maybe you write it off as just a skill you have.  But I promise you, it is a gift.  And one that needs stirred up.

I think it is no coincidence that the very next instruction Paul gives Timothy is that God did not give him a spirit of fear.  Paul clearly wanted to remind young Timothy that God gave the gift not the fear.  The reminder was and should be a punch in the spiritual face.  When we let fear or intimidation have the control our gifts get put on the shelf.

So to my oldest son:
Fear will come and knock at your hearts door.  Fear will whisper lies that tell you that you are not good enough.  My reminder as Paul told  Timothy fan the flame, stir up the gift, keep strumming the strings and singing the songs. Every chance you get to play, sing and make a joyful noise to the Lord do it.  It will fight back the enemy called Fear and release the power of God’s anointing on your life.

To everyone else, including me:
The sideline of life is no place to stay when God has put something inside of you. It is a season of putting your gift, talent and calling out there for the world to see and God to use.  Fear is the punk that has kept you hidden.  Fear is the liar that has held back not just what you could give, but the impact you were called to make for Jesus.  So blow on the embers of the spark God has put inside you. Let what seems like a small passion God make a big difference with.

 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 (emphasis mine)


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