Walk this Way

A few days ago, I was expressing some frustration to my husband about people’s perception of me. “I am not intimidating!  Why do people keep saying this?”, I said. Ever the Enneagram 2, in the most gentle way possible, my husband said, “Baby, you walk like your daddy.” Hand on my hip, I gave him the side eye.  My whole life I’ve been told how much like my dad I am.  My dad used to be 6’3″, 225-pound football player, he was an imposing figure.  Even at 74 and not quite the imposing 6’3″, he’s still intimidating.  His physical presence often puts people on alert, not to mention his voice.  However, my husband wasn’t referring to my dad’s physical presence, but his personality presence.  And unfortunately, or fortunately, I share that. I’ve learned that when I enter a room, people often choose sides, even when they don’t fully know what they’re for or against.  It’s the same for my dad.  People decide in a moment if they are for him or against him.  If they’re for him, there’s often no way to persuade them not to follow him, if they’re against him, there’s no stopping their opposition.  This is not learned behavior for me, it’s just in the fabric of who I am.  And that’s ok. My dad has often encouraged me to follow his lead in leadership, ministry, and life.  He taught me to drive, to shoot a basketball (which could still use some work), to make perfect scrambled eggs, and how to be a good disciple of Christ.  Truthfully, my dad taught me to “walk this way”. In Luke 5, Jesus sets a “walk this way” idea for his disciples.  They’ve been fishing all night, Jesus shows up, tells them to try again.  They are astonished by the amount of fish they bring in.  Then, Jesus says, from now on, you will be fishers of men.  Jesus had been teaching from the very boat that had been frustrated with the night before.  Jesus had already been fishing for men before he ever introduced the idea to his newfound disciples.  For the next 3 years, they would literally walk with Jesus.  They would get lessons every day on how to “walk this way”. Jesus’ love for humanity is ultimately shown on the cross.  He encourages us to “walk this way” in  1 John 3:6 “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” I don’t know about you, but I haven’t died for anyone.  I often think to lay down our lives means to do anything to see people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. When Jesus called the disciples, he told them to “walk this way.”  When Jesus calls us, he tells us to “walk this way.”  Some of us need to learn to walk like our daddy.  We need to learn that Jesus has called us and given us the gifts, talents, personality, and grace to walk like him.

Some of y’all never… and it shows

I love a good meme.  I’m not sure who invented the idea, but I’d like to thank them for the endless entertainment I’ve gotten from this art form.  One of my recent favorites is a text based one from Twitter that says, “Some of y’all never (fill in the blank) and it shows.”

For instance, “some of y’all were never line leaders in elementary school and it shows.”

“Some of y’all never watched Dr. Phil and it shows.” and the memes go on and on.

A few weeks ago, my husband and I were in church and the worship band begins one of my recent favorite songs.  Just the drum intro and I was ready to get going.  I mean, like aerobic exercise worship time.  The song begins, worship team is doing a great job leading and I begin to look around because surely others in the congregation are going to join me in my excitement.  I mean, this is worth getting excited over. But they didn’t.  They calmly (tried) to clap to the beat.  Most of the congregation almost seemed annoyed by this new worship song.

The band continued, the worship leader tried to help the congregation see the value of the words, but nothing. Suddenly, this meme comes to mind… Some of y’all have never (fill in the blank) and it shows.

Some of y’all have never been in a place where the only thing you can do is worship.

Some of y’all have never faced a giant so big you didn’t know how to fight but you knew God had equipped you with the ability to worship him and that was all you needed.

Some of y’all have never felt so alone and desperate that God was all you had.

Some of y’all have never been in a position of spiritual warfare for your family and were so fatigued of the enemy’s tactics all you could do was sing.

Some of y’all have never been in those places and it shows.  It shows in your worship.  It shows in your commitment.  It shows in your community.  It shows in how you live your life.  Some of y’all have never encountered Jesus and it shows.

My grandmother was about 5’1″.  But she was a giant in faith.  One of her most famous lines I quote to myself often is, “I’m not afraid of you or 40 devils like you.”.  I always thought it was so sassy, southern woman of her to say that.  However, I’ve realized she wasn’t afraid because she had been through some battles and she knew that she could take on anything she faced because God was on her side.  She could sing at the top of her lungs that there ain’t no grave gonna hold her body down, because she’d faced death.  She could worship and walk through the lowest valley because God had never left her or forsaken her.  And she certainly wasn’t afraid of the devil because he was already defeated.

Granny had faced some giants, defeated the enemy, survived the unimaginable, and it showed.

She also used to tell me that “every pot has to sit on his own bottom”.  So much rich theology in that statement.  What Granny was telling me was that she couldn’t believe for me.  She, my dad, my mom, my aunts, my uncles, none of them could worship for me, none of them could accept Jesus, for me, that I had to do that for myself.  And boy, was she right.

As an adult, I faced circumstances and giants that I wished I hadn’t.  I fought giants, I walked in the shadow of death, I walked through the desert.  Granny never would have chosen for me to experience any of those things.  However, she knew that in order for this pot to sit on its own bottom, it had to experience some things.

So, when I worship, when I face trials, my experience is different than those who have never walked through anything.  I’ve walked out of the grave of sin and shame. I’ve been where a melody is my only weapon because Jesus comes to fight for me.  I’ve seen the goodness of God in the land of the living.

If you fit in the “Some of y’all have never…” category, my prayer for you is that you start experiencing some things because nothing makes your faith stronger than facing adversity.

Consider* it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  James 1:2-4

*Consider here doesn’t mean think about it, it means count on it.

We are Family

One of the number one things I’ve taken grief for in my life is being an only child.  People always have something to say when they discover this fact.

“Oh, that explains so much.”

“Really?  Well, I guess I can see that.”

“Huh.  You don’t really act like an only child.”

I’ve gotten all of those responses and more.  Well, I’m sure that my being an only child has formed a lot of my thinking and even probably explains why I think or feel about things how I do.  I was not an only child by my parents’ choice.  My mother would have had a houseful had she been able.  But God saw fit to just give them me.  I always liked to think they reached perfection with the first go-round, so why try anymore, but they saw it differently.  My parents, more than once, have referenced my birth as a miracle.  They had been married for 10 years when I was born.  Doctors had said it probably wouldn’t happen.  They had started the adoption process.  But God thought differently.

So, here I am as an only child, raising 5, (yes, 5) children with my husband.  There is so much I don’t understand.  First, the rules of shotgun.  I just don’t get the specialness of the front seat.  Or gosh, with our kids the passenger side back seat.  They call “dibs” on everything.  It’s been quite the learning curve having more than 1 child.  I wouldn’t trade the lessons for anything.

Another lesson came at basketball last night.  Our family is blended. A “yours and mine” situation, we say there will be no “ours”, but in truth, they’re all ours.  The girls were watching the youngest brother play basketball.  My daughter’s half-sister (her dad’s daughter) sat with us.  Our good friend’s boys also sat with us to cheer on their brother and my son. The youngest of those boys is the most delightful of boys you’ll ever meet.  Caden accepts and loves without question.  He has come to refer to my son, Matthew as one of his “brudders”.  As I sat there the thought came to me, in our very imperfect family structure sits this perfect mosaic of what God sees in us.  He views all believers like Caden views Matthew, just another one of the “brudders”.

Granted, there are no half-siblings, step-siblings, or family friends in the family of God.  And as a wise woman once said, God doesn’t have any grandchildren either.  However, no matter how we came to our salvation experience- as a child, a teenager, an adult, or an older adult, God views us the same.  It doesn’t matter if you have this amazing testimony of how God saved you from the depths of sin or how he kept you since you were a child, we are all the same.  Accepted.  Loved.  Called his own.  He values each one of us.

I sometimes struggle with the family of God, not always understanding how that dynamic is supposed to work.  You know, since I’m an only child.  However, the more I see my kids interact and grow, the more I understand.

Are your “brudders” (or sisters) doing something worth cheering on?  Then, cheer them on.

Do they need some encouragement? Encourage them.

Do they need accountability? Step in.

Do they need discipleship? Help them.

Thankfully, as a part of the family of God, I’m no longer an only child.  I’ve got lots of “brudders” and sisters to celebrate with and to mourn with, to encourage, to be encouraged by, and all the things that families do.  It’s really a great thing to be a part of this family.


Life Advice

We had lots of adventures in that apartment.  There were a lot of frozen burritos, Power Bars and Walmart brand Diet Coke consumed.  Dairy Queen runs for Blizzards right before they closed.  Late night studying and study groups.  Boyfriends came and went and came again.  (For more about this read, Rush a Club, don’t rush a marriage) There were birthday parties, engagements, and late nights of Billy Blank’s Tae Bo workouts (in order to burn off the Dairy Queen Blizzards).

At the ripe old age of 20, I was ready to be completely independent and take on the world.  Well, almost.  I’d already lived in a dorm and an on-campus apartment but this was real.  I had a real landlord and real bills.  Of course, I was rolling in money with all that I’d saved from my summer job and the amazing hourly wage from my on-campus job.  When my parents moved me in it was probably as big a milestone for them as for me.  I’m certain my mom was way more apprehensive than I was.  However, my dad seemed to keep the apprehension under wraps and stepped in with some solid advice.

“Two important things to remember,” he said.  “Number 1, Lock the doors and double check them. Number 2, Take out the trash.”

Solid, logical, practical dad advice.  These pieces of advice were important but I didn’t realize how important until I had long moved out of that apartment on 20th St.

Lock the doors.  This seems like adulting 101.  Keep your doors locked to keep people out and protect your stuff.  Locked doors will keep you safe while you sleep.  Locked doors keep unwanted visitors (both animal and human) out.  However, as I’ve thought about this practical advice, I’ve taken it as spiritual advice.  I want to keep out the enemy out of my life?  Lock away what he wants to access.  The enemy has come to seek, kill, and destroy me, so I have to lock him out.  He wants my peace.  He wants my joy.  He wants my confidence.  He wants yours too.  How do you lock the door on those?  Through truth.

When the enemy threatens my peace, the response is “Abundant peace belongs to those who love Your instruction; nothing makes them stumble.” Psalm 119:165.

When he wants my joy “You reveal the path of life to me; in Your presence is abundant joy; in Your right hand are eternal pleasures. ”  Psalm 16:11

When he wants my confidence, “God is within her, she will not fall.” Psalm 46:5a  Combatting his attacks by locking out lies with truth will work every time.

Take out the trash– This seems so obvious, right?  Of course, we’re going to take out the trash.  That’s just gross not to take it out.  However, the more I was around other college students, I realized how some people don’t take the trash out regularly.  I also realized when we were the ones responsible for it EVERY TIME, it seemed like such a time-consuming burden that could easily be put off another day.

When I take this lesson as a spiritual one, it can cause deep exposure.  Trash in our life is the sin.  Sin needs to be dealt with on the daily.  If you ignore the little sins, they pile up and soon jobs are lost, relationships ruined, and you sit and wonder exactly what got you to that point.  Most believers don’t wake up one day and go, “today is the day I cheat on my spouse” or “today is the day I gamble with my company’s money and lose”.

Most of the time it begins with small decisions, small sins, that pile and stack in the corner until the stench of them overtake the whole house.  So, take out the trash.  Stay committed to time in God’s presence.  Stay committed to dealing with the small temptations and taking thoughts captive (putting them in the right spot in your brain).  If we deal with the little sins, God is faithful to keep us from temptation we can’t handle.  “God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation,

He will also provide a way of escape so that you are able to bear it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Solid adulting advice from my dad became solid spiritual advice as I grew up.  I still check my doors every night.  I have a wonderful husband who usually takes out our trash, but I take it out if I see it needs to be taken out.  Whether you’re full on adulting and need the spiritual reminders or you’re brand new to living on your own and need practical advice, remember this: lock your doors and take out the trash.


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