That Punk Kid

 Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more. 
Genesis 37:5

Being the younger brother had many disadvantages. One significant one was that you were handed down clothes.  While the older sibling got fresh digs, I got to dig through his piles for new rags. What complicated matters slightly more in my life was my brother was built like a 2×2 and a I was built more like the tree it came from. In a word: round.
So his slim, long legged jeans didn’t fit my chunky, borderline husky frame. So Gran with her JCPenney employee discount made sure I was well outfitted in my pinstripe Levi jeans for school.  She made sure I was well dressed.
Joseph found himself not in the hand me downs of his brothers.  Not clothed in the sons Leah hand me downs.  Nor in Bilpah or Zilpah kids.  Baby bro Ben was years younger.  So his robes weren’t gonna work.  So Joseph favored by his father was given an ornament robe.  One we often call the “coat of many colors”.
For all my love for Joseph and the outcome of the man he would become, he was really just a punk kid. My older brother slapped that label on me when he crested the teenage years and I was a mere tween. I was lagging just a year behind. But his 13 months of longer life lent him the wisdom he leveraged over me. And in some ways Craig was right.  I was just a punk kid. I was Joseph.
Joseph was clearly the favorite son of his father Israel, who himself was a mama’s boy. Joseph was the son of love.  His brothers were children of convenience.  Jacob, Joseph’s father, married for love with his mom Rachel.  Rachel struggled to conceive until the Bible says the Lord opened her womb.  Joseph’s very conception was the work of God. And God’s book tells us Jacob loved him more because he was born in his old age.
This sacred son of Jacob would lose his mom as a teen.  Rachel would die giving birth to baby brother Ben.  So surely, Israel out of his love for Rachel and loss of Joseph’s mom, favored the him more.
And here at 17, that PUNK Kid, just keeps on.  Contextually, we find the passages proceeding that Joe’s delivers a bad report to daddy on his brothers while out tending sheep.  Punk Kid that’s a tattle tell on his older brothers.
Then to ice the cake Joe dares to dream.  He dreams God dreams.  Dreams that don’t make sense to his older half brothers.  I wonder if they were mad at the dreams.  Or just mad that he dared to dream something other than tending sheep for their father.
His dreams declared that the Punk Kid becomes Prince over the lives family.  The dreams depict a dependence on the favored son.  And the anger of the 10 other brothers rises. If you know the story Joseph eventually becomes the savior of Israel (his father) and his 11 brothers. And in truth the promise God gave his great grand-father Abraham. 
16 years later, after years of heartbreak, hurt and seemingly broken dreams, Joes is elevated to second in command in the world’s most powerful nation. The punk kid becomes protector and provider of those that sold him out.
Inside all of us is the punk kid God wants to make powerful players in his kingdom purposes.  So to all the punk kids like me: Dare to dream God-sized dreams. Dare to overcome your haters.  And lean into the circumstances that shape the punk into a person who changes the world.
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

2017's Word

“Oops I did it again.”
Brittany Spears


It seems odd to quote Ms Brittany as the source of inspiration for a future hope.  But those 5 words have been the summation of my life lived.  “Oops I did it again.”

Up to this point my life has been lived out as series of circumstantial events. Choices, decision and goals seemingly set on the pathway of least resistance to mediocrity.  Inside a spirit was crying out to break the chains of status quo.

I have lived my life boxed in by the word “potential”.  Always living in a way that has kept me short of the fullness of who I was to become. More importantly, who God was asking me to be for him.

While each year goals would be set.  Ambitions be determined.  Hopes inflated like a birthday balloon.  Somewhere along the road the helium keeping hope in the air depleted. And my life was left once again deflated.

The truth of the matter is I am exactly where I am not because of what has happened to me. But in most honest reflection, by the choices I made. I would say by the choices I didn’t make, but even in not making a choice, I made a choice.  And the end of each year, goals not met, life seemingly unchanged, Brittany rang true again “oops, I did it again.”

As check marks on the calendar started to close in on the end of 2016, I was challenged to choose one word to define, shape and give direction to 2017. The inescapable piece of grammatical compass to set a direction for my new year was the word: INTENTIONAL.

Being intentional is determining to act a certain way.  It is the determination to pursue goals in spite of circumstance.  It is the determination to pursue callings in spite of fear.  It is the determination to live life in the fullness and break out of the status quo that has put a boundary line in life.

Fear has a way of taking prisoner life and holding it hostage until you relent on what it is you set out to do. I have so many years lived shackled up to mediocrity. The enemy of our life does not always have to destroy the dream as long he can simply whisper in your ear you are not enough. To step into being intentional requires speaking out against the fear that has too often shaped the choices that have left life in a holding pattern of mediocrity.

Status quo is not the place of God’s calling.  Jesus said “I have come to bring you life and life full.”  The fullness of the life lived for Jesus is minus fear, worry and the chains of disbelieving.  Fullness of life with Christ is stepping into making intentional choices and decisions that determine a pathway that leads to his design and plan for my life and your life.

Being intentional is waking with the decision to work.  Not go to a job, because I actually have 2 of those. It is the choice to work on me, work on and in the dream, work in the one thing God’s has called me to be.

Paul wrote about it this way:
 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.  Colossians 3:23-24

We have a job as followers of Christ, one that I should have been fired from long ago.  That job is to live life in every facet with a passion as if we were doing it for Jesus.  Blogging for Jesus.  Raising kids for Jesus.  Even, despite my objection, sitting in a cubicle for Jesus. We must live out with INTENTIONALITY.  If we don’t we end up right were we have always sat.

Because as the great apostles says: It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

2017 is the year of being intentional.  It is the year of shaking off the shackles of unfulfilled potential. It is the year I dream, live, and fully become Jeff. It is the year I don’t give a shout out to Brittany…I am not going to do it again.

Do you have a word for 2017?  Share it with me in the comments.



Honey, I know, I know
I know times are changing
It’s time we all reach out
For something new, that means you too
Purple Rain, Prince



2016 said goodbye to a Prince, a Princess and my favorite TV dad. #REALLY2016
This year saw the end of a communist ruler rule on the planet and the end of a man who orbited the planet three times. #REALLY2016
This trip around the sun saw TV celebrity business mogul beat out a lying politician for the presidency. #REALLY2016
The Champ fought his final fight and lost the final round. #REALLY2016
And OMG, everything 1980’s has fashionably returned clear to tight rolling your acid washed jeans. #REALLY2016

As hashtaggers, bloggers and arm chair prognosticators of what life should be slap a newsfeed label of #REALLY2016 on every seemingly catastrophic breathe stealing  piece of social clamor somewhere in the hashtag of disbelief is what really happened in 2016.

Somewhere in some little town and in a big city, a husband buried is wife. #REALLY
Parents put to rest a child who’s time came far too soon. #REALLY
Friends parted, marriages ended and hearts broke. #REALLY

Real disbelief happened. Real hurt was felt. Real brokenness was experienced.

When our eyes often mistrusted what they read across the social news ticker of life, what was REALLY happening was just as hard to believe.  Trouble, struggle and hurt REALLY showed up in life.

It showed up in mine. And if I told you, you wouldn’t believe my #REALLY2016.

And while REALLY really showed up…so did God. #REALLY

In the middle of my mess, I found myself and walked out of the darkness and into the light of who I was called to be. #REALLY
In the center of storm, I found the Prince of Peace. #REALLY
In the hell that I walked, I found little slices of Heaven. #REALLY

My REALLY was met with reality that hurt was happening. But my reality was also encountered by the maker of my life.  In the moments of tearing worlds his healing hand was helping me find shelter  in the circumstantial storm.

Jesus said this “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

As we close the chapter on 2016 and set to encountered every #REALLY2017 we walk into it with this truth, he has already overcome every really, REALLY.  For all the unbelievable, Jesus still is…REALLY.



What Christmas Means to Me

All these things and more, oh
That’s what Christmas means to me my love
Stevie Wonder


The amazing Stevie Wonder penned the perfect picture over classic keys of what Christmas meant to him. We all have this internal image that is taken directly from a “It’s a Wonderful Life” of how the holiday is supposed to look.

Truth is sometimes we end up more like little Ralphie wrapped in pink bunny pj’s than the Hallmark memory we long to make.

As I have “decked the halls”, hung mistletoe and wished for a “White Christmas”, I have also took some time to unwrap what Christmas means to me.

Christmas means Christ. While the nativity set in front of my tree pictures the infant that Mary held close on that “Midnight Clear”, it is the God-man that is celebrated. The promised king wrapped in the skin of an infant as “O Come Emmanuel”, God with us. That skin would be broken and left bleeding that I may have life abundant.

Christmas means kids…and I have five. Three boys, two girls. The glow of their eyes as white lights of “O Tatenbuam” bounce back reflect the innocence that remains. Their juvenile hearts still capture what Christmas can be.  They may not still hold a belief “That Santa Claus is Coming to Town” but the magic of the season still remains. It is captured in the hope of “Jingle Bells” and a “Sleigh Ride”.

Christmas means family. I have spent too many years isolated like an Eskimo in a “Winter Wonderland”. “I’ll be home for Christmas” waking up next to my wife to the sound of sluggish teenage children ready to tear open presents.

Christmas means reflection. Seemingly not so mutually exclusive Christmas is coupled with New Years in tandem.  The sound of Andy Williams singing “Happy Holidays” often triggers reflection on the year that has passed. And the critical question of whether “old acquaintances should be forgot”.  It is a time to look where have gone in the previous 360 plus days and set a course for the next circle around the sun.

This or Last…I will always, 100% of the time prefer This Christmas or Last Christmas. Sorry Wham!

That’s what Christmas means to me my love…so what does Christmas mean to you?


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