The Unveiling

“Come on. Maybe be two or three guys in history ever busted the guts out of a ball.
Must be an omen.”
~Squints Palladoras


I grew up dropping the expression “you’re killing Smalls” incessantly in any moment that conflicted with my prescribed expectation of the outcome.   Scottie Smalls was the lead character in the generation defining film “The Sandlot” from which the expression was coined.  Scottie is the new kid in a California town set in the 1960’s and has failed to become an All-American boy by learning to play baseball.   In the course of one amazing summer Scottie learns the fine art of the Great American Pastime and what it means to be a friend.

In what can only be seen as turning point of the story is this moment.  Benny “the jet” Rodriguez crushes a ball where all that remains is the rawhide cover somewhere in center field. As the 8 outcast ball players gather round the remainder of the baseball Squints Palladoras says these words:

“Come on. Maybe be two or three guys in history ever busted the guts out of a ball.
Must be an omen.”

Baseballs are composed of two pieces of leather rawhide, stitched with red string over the top of tightly wound yard that covers a rubber core.  For years the ball has been composed of basically the same elements. To get to the center of the ball means unraveling nearly 1 mile of yarn to get to rubber sphere at the very core of that baseball.

The movie moment and the ball seem endlessly symbolic of so much in the life of Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez. And truthfully the symbolism spills over into me and you. Our core is often hidden by tightly wound circumstances that keep it unseen.  It is only in the moments of unraveling that we truly let the core of our life be exposed and our true self gets seen.

Benny had been the best ball player on the sandlot oftentimes hidden away from the rest of the world.  But in the unraveling of the story we begin the see the greatness of Benny “The Jet”.  His epic outrunning of The Beast turns “The Jet” into a legend.

It makes me wonder if what has been hidden under the mile of yarn in my life and my core was exposed what would be seen.   So often the unraveling of life seems destructive and painful.  Yet it is so often in the unraveling that the core of who we are gets unveiled.

Each of us has a core being that longs to be seen.  It is our true who, our real identity.  Yet life in its tangling keeps it hidden.   Exposing what is at your core is risky.  Although it is when we live out that true who that exist behind the mile of yard we truly get to live as ourselves.

As the movie concludes with the ragtag bunch of boys who lived in fear of the beast behind the wall find The Beast to be not nearly as scary as they told themselves.    And the beast you have been running from that tells you to not be who you are called to be has been nothing really ever to fear.

“You play ball like a girl” – Ham Porter

Prayers, Grand Canyon and Echoes

“Ask, and God will give to you. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will open for you. Yes, everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. And everyone who knocks will have the door opened.”  Matthew 7:7-8grand_canyon_149612675

I have almost seen the Grand Canyon once.  I was on an early morning flight, criss-crossing 3 times zones to the West.   I knew my flight plan took us right over The Grand Canyon.  So with much anticipation, I slept the entire flight.   And subsequently missed The Grand Canyon.

In truth from 30,000 feet I am sure it just looked like a giant hole in the ground. So I am not sure how much a missed during my little mile high siesta.   The beauty of this great wonder is the expanse.  It is huge, at least I am told.

In this massive expansive hole comes the bouncing sounds of echoes.  Sound travels a lightening fast pace of 342 meters per second and rattles of the walls of the canyon and bounces right back where it came from.  We know this as an echo.

Jesus spoke about echoes to.  He said if we ask, God will give.  If we search, we find.  If we knock, the door opens.  And if we shout into canyons it comes back to us.

My recent experience has more than proven true.  I feel so often like my prayers have traveled at more than 342 meters per second and God’s echoes travel back just as fast.  Please understand, not every prayer bounces off the walls from heaven with an immediate answer.  There some moments of crying out that seem to find the empty expanses and never seem to return.

But there are seasons when the ear of God is leaned in and his voice bounces back my prayers with quick response.  In truth God probably always has it was that I was not listening for the echo.

Echoes at times come in the oddest ways.  Unexpected text or phone calls from an old friend.  A church member letting you know that they have been praying for you when you have just asked if God is hearing you.  The reverberations of heaven come back as fulfilled promises, comfort in times of need and provision at just the right time.

It when you pray one thing and your spouse has prayed the exact same thing without either of you talking about it.  It is the moment the unexpected money shows up to provide for the need.

God is in the business of echoes.  So good ahead, yell into The Grand Canyon of heaven and listen for his response.  You may just hear the echoes of heaven bouncing back.

When you just know…

Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. Hebrews 11:1

Wounds tell (1)
It is certainly just indescribable at best.
It was a gift my mama seemed to have that I could only wish to obtain one day.  I first discovered this as a smart mouthed teenage boy.  The gift she had was unmistakable.  After a parental/child disagreement where I believed myself to be right about something I was probably clearly wrong about I huffed, turned to go up the stairs to my bedroom when mom fired off one more verbal shot “don’t you roll your eyes at me.”
Full disclosure, my eyes were facing the other way and all she had view of was my backside which I am surprised did not find a wooden spoon laid upon it.
As I aged out of being a smart mouth teenager into I know slightly know more than you young adult it kept happening.  Mama just knew things.  In the moments of fragile brokenness I would spill out my heart over some sort of crazy scene that was being played out in my life to which mama would say “I already know.”
Finally one day my curiosity was piqued to the point of needing to know how she knew when she unloaded the whole mystery to me: “Jeffrey, I just know.”  Well that solves it.  It is all figured out.  She is some sort of mind reading, future seeing parental unit.
Until it started happening in my life.  The in explainable became only explained with “I just know.”  God had me in transition from state university to a small private Christian college environment.  I looked and looked at school websites avoiding the suggestion of my mother.  Within seconds of the Lee University site opening (it was 1998, it may have been minutes to open), I just knew and apparently so did mama.   Sight unseen, I knew that is where I was transferring.  My tender 20 year old mind had not words to explain it except “I just know.”
Throughout the course of my life there have been a scattering of moments when I had no other explanation for the choice I was making or the direction life was headed other than
“I just know.”
My head now decorated with wisdom and more experience has learned that the just “knowing” is that non-tangible confirming power of God’s spirit.  It is the unseen person of God being seen in the choices we make.   It is the assurance in the plan and direction with zero or very little evidence to tell us it is the correct option.
It seems ludicrous (and not the rapper) to make choices based on just a “feeling”.  But when we journey in faith there are these moments that have no other way of being described as “just knowing”.  There is something about how God operates in situations that challenges us to believe in the “just knowing” and take that step into the unknown with zero visible evidence of the outcome.
So once again, mama was right.  She just seems to know or God keeps telling her before me.


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