So you want to take a step of faith. Well, here’s how?

What faith really looks like.

When we stepped away from the church into the great unknown one month ago, we were greeted by a smattering of “that is so brave of you to step out in faith.” Underneath that expression was the truth. They were saying “I could never do that.” 

Sometimes we glamorize steps of faith. As if it is one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind. We paint leaps of faith as spiritually sexy decisions.  The stories and the movies illustrate incredible stories of the faith step and dominoes of blessings that follow. Yet, we often do not see the moments between decision and destination. 

It is not our first leap before you look moment. It is just the latest. You would think with a few faith steps under our belts, it would get easier. Or we would be better at it . It never really does get easier and I am not sure we are any better. Because in part each one is unique, different. My wonderful wife who is a constant encouragement, says about this step, “it is what we do.” 

We want to recreate situations and moments where God previously stepped into our Ur of the Chaldenes and commanded us to new promises. God does not always reappear at the places we once heard him. God is consistent, constant, and unchanging, but does not always repeat himself like a Vegas show performer.  And we (or maybe just me) sometimes go looking for him where I have seen and heard him before. This is a quite literal occurrence. We go to the same taco shop. I go to the same place on the campus of Lee University. I go to a couple other locations where God once before has spoken. 

We paint pictures of great men and women of faith lacking fear. In truth, faith is feeling all the fears and still choosing to take the step. Faith is knowing that uncertainty is where you are stepping and still stepping. Faith is being sure of what you hope for. Even when you are a little unsure how it will happen. 

Faith is sitting silent waiting on God. Faith is also shouting into the sky asking him to move. Faith is enduring through the season to see his provision. Faith is also growing impatient in the process. Faith is having your heart refined in the fire. Faith is moments of feeling the cool of a quiet God. 

Between Ur and Canaan are a lot of steps. A lot of walking in new places. Faith is less leaps and more a commitment to wake up and take the required steps of that day believing the God who promised it will provide. 

Today, we are somewhere between Ur and Canaan. Today, we are waiting for God to give directions. Today, we are still walking in faith.  

How do you walk in faith? You just keep putting one foot in front of the other trusting that God firms the ground where your step lands.


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