Decade Challenge

cookies for santa
cookies for santa

Oh no.  That was my first thought as I pulled the “Cookies for Santa” plate out of the box.  The kids will be devastated. They painted this years ago and we have pulled it out every year.  But it was broken, straight down the middle. My first thought was, it’s fixable. Super glue will fix it and no one will know.  As I fully unwrapped the plate from the tissue paper it had been packed away in, I noted the date. 2009. What. A. Year. As I reflected on that particular Christmas and that year, I laughed at myself.  My reaction of how to fix the plate so no one would know, was the same to fix my marriage that year.  

The summer of 2009 brought a storm of pain to my family.  My marriage was quickly dissolving and I had no way out of the downward spiral my life was taking.  My first reaction was to just not let anyone know what was happening. I had to maintain the image of perfection.  I didn’t want the world to see my family as broken. I didn’t want the world to see me as broken. Broken things aren’t perfect and perfect was what I wanted life to be. I could not  let the world see how broken my life was. It wasn’t supposed to look this way! Not acknowledging it seemed like the best idea. But as I tried to super glue my broken life, it just became more fragmented and eventually shattered. It was shattered beyond all recognition and all I was left with was a pile of dust. 

You can’t glue dust.  By Christmas of that year, that’s exactly what I was looking at, dust.  My once idyllic life had become a shattered and broken mess that was beyond saving.  I didn’t plan for this. It certainly wasn’t a part of my 5 year plan or my 10 year plan.  A shattered marriage certainly hadn’t been on my to do list or a part of my goals for that year.  Yet, there I sat. 2 little kids, a beautiful home, and a broken marriage.  

My decade challenge looks a little different than most.  I look back and I am overwhelmed in what God has done in my life in those 10 years.  My life looks very different than it did the Christmas of 2009, in every way better. I no longer live with the fear of people really seeing me for who I am, because I encountered the God who sees me (Genesis 16:13).  I no longer fear stepping in to my calling because I have encountered the God who has called me (Isaiah 43;1). I no longer fear being vulnerable and honest because I have encountered the God who knew me before he knit me together in my mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13).  I sit in December of 2019, a whole woman. A woman that God has used her shattered life to create a beautiful masterpiece of his grace and love.  

If you sit today where life doesn’t look like it’s supposed to look…  where the daily thought is “there has to be more than this”, where you carry around a bottle of super glue for life hoping to fix all the broken pieces at least temporarily so no one will see.  Let me encourage you in this, it doesn’t have to stay broken. I know a God that can take your shattered mess and create a beautiful piece of art if only you will surrender the mess to him. He’s a God that specializes in redeeming messes. 

What Christmas Means to Me

All these things and more, oh
That’s what Christmas means to me my love
Stevie Wonder


The amazing Stevie Wonder penned the perfect picture over classic keys of what Christmas meant to him. We all have this internal image that is taken directly from a “It’s a Wonderful Life” of how the holiday is supposed to look.

Truth is sometimes we end up more like little Ralphie wrapped in pink bunny pj’s than the Hallmark memory we long to make.

As I have “decked the halls”, hung mistletoe and wished for a “White Christmas”, I have also took some time to unwrap what Christmas means to me.

Christmas means Christ. While the nativity set in front of my tree pictures the infant that Mary held close on that “Midnight Clear”, it is the God-man that is celebrated. The promised king wrapped in the skin of an infant as “O Come Emmanuel”, God with us. That skin would be broken and left bleeding that I may have life abundant.

Christmas means kids…and I have five. Three boys, two girls. The glow of their eyes as white lights of “O Tatenbuam” bounce back reflect the innocence that remains. Their juvenile hearts still capture what Christmas can be.  They may not still hold a belief “That Santa Claus is Coming to Town” but the magic of the season still remains. It is captured in the hope of “Jingle Bells” and a “Sleigh Ride”.

Christmas means family. I have spent too many years isolated like an Eskimo in a “Winter Wonderland”. “I’ll be home for Christmas” waking up next to my wife to the sound of sluggish teenage children ready to tear open presents.

Christmas means reflection. Seemingly not so mutually exclusive Christmas is coupled with New Years in tandem.  The sound of Andy Williams singing “Happy Holidays” often triggers reflection on the year that has passed. And the critical question of whether “old acquaintances should be forgot”.  It is a time to look where have gone in the previous 360 plus days and set a course for the next circle around the sun.

This or Last…I will always, 100% of the time prefer This Christmas or Last Christmas. Sorry Wham!

That’s what Christmas means to me my love…so what does Christmas mean to you?


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