Come Join Me

Live with hope

“Come and join me,” Jesus replied. So Peter stepped out onto the water and began to walk toward Jesus.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭14:29‬ ‭TPT‬‬

My oldest son Andrew was four years old, nearly five. I had been the bully of a dad that removed the training wheels off his little silver bike. With them he was a regular X games competitor, at least in his mind. Without them, he was Superman in the face of Kryptonite. So the bike sat.

Occasionally, he would go out into the garage to “consider” riding the two-wheel monster that haunted him. Most times, considering was all that happened.

Until, one late November day in Southeast Wisconsin. In preparation for a move, 90% of the our belongings were going into storage, while we lived between houses. This included his bike. In almost a last ditch effort before saying “see you later” to his one time friend turned nemesis, he hops on just outside the door of the storage unit that would hold it hostage as winter approached. Just like that pedal, pedal, pedal, he was off and riding. He rode what he thought was a mile, in reality was 40 or 50 feet. Then rode that monster back to me that same distance.

What he had been so afraid of became great joy. “Dad I did it”, he would celebrate. “Dad I rode my bike on two wheels.”

What he saw as a preventative measure to him riding, the removal of the security of the training wheels, became a freedom to riding faster and further.

I have often wondered if that was the lesson Jesus was trying to teach Peter that day on the lake. Peter was in a boat that he feared would sink. A experienced sailor now in a sinking ship. In what in Pete’s mind may have seemed like a last ditch effort to avoid certain disaster, he asked the Lord to call him out to the water. Jesus did. Maybe to Peter’s surprise, maybe to his comfort. Either way Jesus said “come join me.”

Peter walked on the liquid surface without sinking. While we often get caught in the sinking eyes and faith of Peter where the Lord has to catch him, Peter walked on water at the beckoning of Jesus to “come join me.”

Those three words Jesus speaks to all of us: “come join me.” Sure there seems to be a danger in getting on the bike without the security of training wheels. Yet, riding along side Christ in this adventure called life, ministry, calling, we can go further faster without them. The desire to be safe and sound often keeps us safe and sound by missing out on the adventure of faith.

Just for a moment let your imagination dream: what can you do when he calls you out of your boat? Would you be willing to walk on water? are you willing to take the training wheels off your faith?

The same God that tells us he wants to surpass our imaginations is the one that says “do not play it safe. Step out of the boat. Come join me.” Fear often trumps our faith. Lingering whispers of certain disaster detain our feet from stepping off the boat or peddling the bike. Yet, if we will ask, like Peter, “Lord call me out.”  He is going to say, “come join me.”

So where is working in the earth? Join him there.

Where is demonstrating his power? Join him there.

What is he calling you out of and into? Join him there.


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