Dear John

John Crist comedian

Dear body of believers,

The news will surely reach you about comedian John Crist and his sexual misconduct. Before you put him on blast as some Christian news sources have, ask yourself a question – what if this was you? How would you want to be treated?

The comments will come about how you maybe saw it coming or how you are so disappointed, but have you prayed for him?  

I am just as guilty of shooting the wounded siblings of faith. Yet, I am trying to learn to operate in compassion and empathy. I am working to pray that those who have deep and dark struggles to overcome those by the blood of Jesus.  I am hoping that I am learning to lay my personal “perfection” aside for a heart of compassion. 

If you know John Crist (I do not), I hope you have called or texted him. I hope you are praying for him and with him. I hope you sit with him in and through this. This seems to me to be the posture of Jesus throughout scripture. 

If you do not, pray. Pray for the John’s in your life. Sit with those in your circle who are hurting. Love the broken, the wounded, the struggling, because it can be hard to see the hurt of someone’s speck past the plank in our eye.

To John, I am praying for you. I am praying you encounter Jesus in way that sets you free, because whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

None of this negates his actions or asks for him not to be held responsible. I just feel that Jesus loves with an “and”. Jesus loved the woman wiping his feet with her tears AND Simon who did not wash his feet when he came in the house. I am challenged to love the AND.


A fellow believer who has walked through darkness.


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